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XR Summit ISE 2020 was hosted once again by London-based futurist Amelia Kallman. She presented a live version of her The Big Reveal innovation newsletter to highlight what she sees as the ten emerging technologies or devices for virtual, augmented and mixed reality.

10 – Cybershoes

Cybershoes enable people to walk or run through VR environments. Resembling sandals, Cybershoes were, Kallman said, the answer to the problem of not being able to stay in VR too long because they allowed people to sit down and still explore virtual worlds.

9 – Ultraleap

This hand-tracking technology allows gesture-based interactivity without the need for controllers or wearables. Kallman commented that it could be used for automotive applications as well as gaming and allowed for a more digital experience.

8 – Ambisonics

Kallman said she had been “let down” by audio on VR devices but saw Ambisonics as a major step forward. Originally developed in the early 1970s, Ambisonics captures and reproduces a realistic 3D ‘sound picture’, with new products based on it recently released by companies including Sony.

7 – Hyper CRC

Aimed more at the industrial and commercial sectors, this British innovation features technology from Viewpoint Studio and UNIT9. It gives a physical, haptic experience and enables designers and architects to work together using visualisation and 3D models.

6 – Scape

Kallman commented that the potential of this “visual positioning service” was demonstrated not just by what it can do but also the fact that Facebook bought it for $40 million just days before the ISE show. It is a geo-location device that uses AI to not only identify where you are but give information about the surroundings.

5 – EVA

Standing for Esports Virtual Arenas, this turnkey system enables operators to build their own VR space for free-roaming gaming.

4 – Headsets

Kallman observed that VR headsets were getting smaller and “almost stylish”. Among these were new models from Panasonic, which look like goggles and support HDR.

3 – Thermo Real

For even more realistic immersion, this flexible, wearable material allows gamers to feel the temperature in virtual worlds.

2 – Voxon

Kallman said the thing most tech companies have been asked for over the years is a real-life version of the Princess Leia hologram. Impossible in the past, it has been made reality by Australian developer Voxon Photonics, with fully 3D images.

1 – Mojo Lens

Even more science fiction is the augmented reality contact lens. This was shown in prototype form at CES, but it still might be five years away from being approved and becoming a commercial product.

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XR Summit took place on 11 February 2020 at the Hotel Okura Amsterdam. Please find the image gallery here. See you next year at Integrated Systems Europe 2021!

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